Wednesday, December 5, 2007

End of Day 2 Sans Kidney

Mom is much improved this evening! She went for a walk, took in some good fluids by mouth, and is tolerating her new pain med regime very well. I really think her shortness of breath this morning was because her pain was poorly managed over night. Tense up all your abdominal muscles as best you can, then try to take a deep breath. Impossible, right? That's what she's been battling, and it's scary!

Before I left this evening, I made sure to communicate with the nurse that Mom needs to get her pain pills every four hours, even if she's asleep and doesn't wake up in time to ask for them.

I'll be up super early to make sure I get to see the doctors round in the morning, and will post in the afternoon.

But before I turn in for the night, I'll leave you with these words of encouragement from Mom's youngest sister Stephanie...

"Come on already, Babette! Be a Guerlain and fart the big one! Stink up the whole ICU! Remember, the more you fart, the better you feel!!"

Potty talk never gets old.


Planet said...

Aaah, the sweet Arome de Guerlain. C'mon Babette! Fill the air with that sweet Guerlain fragrance. You can do it, cuz! We're rootin' for yer tootin'!
And sending lots and lots of love.

Gwennie Talbot said...

HAHA! Claire always knows the right thing to say, doesn't she...

Jen said...
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