Monday, January 26, 2009

Embarking on Week 3

Not an impressive amount  to share with you all, Mom's adoring fans, other than she continues to take radiation day by day like a champion. The fatigue accumulates slowly, but she has done a remarkable job balancing rest and work. She hits the start of week three on Tuesday, so she's moving right along.

Unfortunately, she was hoping to hop a plane to Florida right after this was over, but she might have to wait a few weeks. Although she will not be actively receiving radiation during the two or three weeks following the end of the treatments, the radiation is still very active and can continue to have adverse effects. It is just smarter that she stay close to home. Alas, the sunshine will have to wait!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

5 Down, 20 To Go

Mom had her 5th treatment today, and even just two days into radiation she was feeling the fatigue. It's not the kind of thing where you just take a nap and feel better after; it's more a lingering and annoying overall lack of energy. I really have to hand it to her though, because she's honoring her need for rest, and anyone who knows my mother knows historically this is not her strong suit. She goes to bed early, is keeping up with her meditation, allowing some treats here and there just to build up some "security weight," and is still running her company. She's a rock star!

Dr. van Rooy examined her today and ordered some blood work to be done every two weeks, and gave her some suggestions to combat the ugly GI symptoms she'll inevitably experience. Otherwise, business goes on as usual.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Radiation: "A Non Event"

Those were Mom's exact words after yesterday. Today is day 2, and from here on out she will have her radiation every day at 4:30pm, meet with Dr. van Rooy on Tuesdays so he can follow her progress, and in 5 weeks, this will be history.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

And Happy New Year!

We've just returned from four days of family, chaos, food, and fun. It was the 11th Annual New Year's bash up in Montpelier, VT where all my mother's siblings and their kids get together to ring it in. There must have been about 40 of us total, and although the trip got off to a rocky start with Mom suffering a quick 24 hour bug, we managed to cram in some serious quality time.

So maybe 2008 didn't turn out to be all it was cracked up to be, but I'm holding out for 2009! Hopefully this blog will be long-retired by the 12 Annual New Year's bash. In the meantime, Mom starts radiation on Tuesday afternoon. The first appointment always takes a lot of time, but for the following 24 treatments, she'll be in and out within a half hour. She visited Sloan-Kettering again shortly before New Year's to meet with a physician there who specializes in integrative therapy who was able to provide guidance about diet and exercise during treatment and after.

Mom had been toying with going to a health retreat in Florida for a few weeks where they make you gargle with wheat grass and convince you that endives and dried prunes count as a snack, but this doctor recommended she spend her money on massage and acupuncture, while keeping up her Qigong. She also reiterated the importance of laying off cancer-fighting foods packed with antioxidants during treatment. The idea is for cells to be weak and susceptible to radiation, but after the radiation is out of her system, she's welcome to gorge herself on green tea and blueberries again.

Besides the little bug in VT, Mom looks and feels fantastic. Sometimes I have to remind myself that she is just 7 weeks post-op. Santa brought her a new camera, so I'll include some pictures of us up north soon!