Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Counting Sheep is for Everyday Folk

I was having a chat with Jean this morning (Mom's right hand at work), and she told me that a few weeks ago she received an email from Mom who was unable to sleep, so she wrote back, "Why don't you try counting friends, because you've got way more of those then there are sheep in the world." So true. So true!

Thanks to Mom's needing to drink 3 litres of water a day, she wasn't able to get the best night's sleep, but I've reassured her that her body will acclimate if she just stick with it. It's not an easy adjustment, especially if you're not a naturally thirsty person, but it's the best way to keep that kidney healthy and prevent stones.

Nausea comes and goes and keeps her from eating enough. She's down 26 pounds, which is actually within her "healthy zone." It's okay if she stays around there, after all, this will hopefully help lower her blood pressure, but she cannot continue to lose. As she put it, if she'd done this with weight watchers, she would have been awarded a lifetime membership!

The Nurse Ratchet in me comes out every so often, and today I said, I don't care if you're hungry or not. If you're not actively nauseated, you're snacking. Period. Lots of protein, little added salt.

She has a dentist appointment today, then will have some labs drawn. Cross your fingers that her creatinine is at least near normal limits (below 1.2).

In response to Margot's thoughtful question on the last post- I've been happily surprised by the consistent communication between Mom's urologist and oncologist. We haven't quite gotten to the "team meetings" yet, although I'm very familiar with them and have sat in on many at Children's. Where we run in to problems is in the ER, because those doctors are in their own world, and they don't readily look up patient files or call the other teams that are taking care of well-known patients. It might be a cultural thing (I mean of the department, not German vs. Indian physicians), but that is why when Mom was in the ER, I called oncology to let them know she was there, and finally the ER consulted with urology.

As we reevaluate the plan for chemo, I absolutely think a meeting with us, urology, and oncology will be in order. Wonderful suggestion!

Always amazed by how people step up to help. Did you know that when Mom was back in the ER, her sister's Coco and Caline washed and changed every sheet on every bed in the house? I mean, this is what I'm talking about. Practically everyone who walks through that door says, "Okay, I'm here, put me to work"



Talbot said...

There's NoWayJose I'd trust CoCo and Caline to wash sheets and then re-make beds.

If Elisabeth's stress-level was above normal when she returned home it's probably because her bed was "short-sheeted."

Talbot said...

....I couldn't resist this --

"If Elisabeth's stress-level was a above normal when she returned home it's probably because he bed was "short-sheeped."

Thank you a lot Monica....Thank you a mess Coco and Caline and Dedi.

Monica M. Talbot said...


Jen said...

Here's a suggestion.....try dressing Casey up as a sheep. He's too old to jump over Liz's bed but maybe his lack of movement will make Liz become so bored that she falls asleep!

Lynn (Painter extroidonaire) said...

You are all bunch of nuts..i love the humor! My mom had a lot of trouble with sleeping and the prescribed meds either made her wired or sleepy all day or halucinate!! she is now taking an herbal pill called melatonin and it has worked wonders...just an idea. Still sending good thoughts and prayers your way!

Lynn (Painter extroidonaire) said...

You are all bunch of nuts..i love the humor! My mom had a lot of trouble with sleeping and the prescribed meds either made her wired or sleepy all day or halucinate!! she is now taking an herbal pill called melatonin and it has worked wonders...just an idea. Still sending good thoughts and prayers your way!