Thursday, January 10, 2008

Chicken Soup for the Hair

Mom's been nourishing herself as best she can, but the poor mop on top of her head had been seriously neglected. Today, Dani showed up, brought one of the big heavy stools into the bathroom so Mom could watch in the mirror, and gave Mom a new do! Much shorter than she's been wearing it, which she likes because all the curl came back immediately.

As if that wasn't enough, she said it was her gift to Mom. Made Mom cry, then of course made me cry when Mom told me. How a good cut can bring out the best in us. Thank you, Miss Dani. For making Mom so happy, and for cutting off her hair so I don't have to blow dry it any more when I'm home.


Talbot said...

I need first I thought Monica's header read "Chicken Soup in the Hair."


Gwennie Talbot said...

No Dad, it's in your hair. You know, all the hair that you have.

Dani, you're the best!

Talbot said...

Dani....thank you veryvery much!

Gwennie....go to your home.

Talbot said...

Gwennie...I meant rouhme.

Not home... I meant "Go to your rouhme;" as in room.

Gwennie Talbot said...

Dad...go get a one-eared bear to thrown a lime at you. Oh wait, that already happened.

Talbot said...

StickMyTongueOutAtYou in your general direction.
