Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Gwennie here

After reading Monica's most recent post and then talking to her on the phone, it occurred to me that this would probably be the best way to reach out and let everyone know that I'm doing okay. As Monica said, the emails and cards are so touching but so numerous that it's sometimes overwhelming to respond to all of them.

Again, I'm doing okay. There are moments when I think of Mom in a happy way. When I know I'm doing something she wouldn't approve of (like going over 65 on the highway), I feel guiltier than I ever did when she was alive. Sometimes a song that reminds me of her comes on the radio and I'll just smile. And then this morning it occurred to me that I had the bag of jewelry she had at McLean and decided to wear her beautiful (and totally ancient) Seiko watch. As I struggled with the clasp, I remembered helping her put on her jewelry when I was little before she went to work. Little memories like that pop up in my head all the time, and for that I am so, so grateful.

Then there are other times that I sink into a rut that seems impossible to get out of. I was walking around New York City on Monday and got a little lost because I couldn't remember if the even streets went east or west. My mom used to live in New York and would always be able to answer questions like that without skipping a beat. I typed "Ma" into my phone to find "Maman" and pressed Send. When I remembered a second later that she wouldn't pick up it was like she died all over again. Tears started streaming down my face under my sunglasses and all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and cry. However, I kept trudging on and eventually met up with good friends was able to come out of it.

The amount that I miss her is the heaviest thing I've ever felt. But my memory of her, especially from the last 8 months, is like a warm blanket I can wrap myself up into and immediately feel close to her again. The other thing that helps is the emails and cards from all of you. I feel so badly because I don't always respond, but please be assured that they are more than appreciated. My sister and I have felt so supported through this whole process and feel especially so now. So thank you :)

I wish everyone a happy New Year. If 2010 isn't better than 2009 (or 2008, or 2007, or 2006, etc) I give up.


H.F. said...

2010 will be better, sweet girl. And I believe it holds many wonderful surprises for us all.

Here's wishing for a year of new adventures, amazing surprises, love and laughter, for both you and Monica, to fill your hearts back up.

Elizabeth said...

Beautiful note, Gwennie. Thanks for helping us feel what you feel -- ups and downs and memories. I love the jewelry one. I have a miserable time with clasps, now that I've inherited my family's arthritis. So if you want to walk down memory lane, stop by and help me with mine! Miss you and think of you both a lot. Happy 2010 -- it'll be a new and different ride. xxx

Mokus said...

Happy New Year to you and Monica, dear Gwennie! Thank you both for writing and keeping us up to date in such a touching fashion. Your wonderful memories will continue to carry you, and sometimes us, forward, little pockets of treasures to open when needed. It's ok to take some time with the cards and letters... love, Mokus

Unknown said...

Gwennie,thank you so much for posting. Yes, we all worry about you and Monica. You are just too lovable not to think about - always.

I am so glad to hear you are traveling along the path of grief with smiles, tears, and laughter.

And never worry about responding...We just all want you to know how much you are loved and thought of.

Love you always,
You're adopted big sister

Marge Fisher said...

Agreed to the above-posted comments. No need to thank us individually but we will continue to use this blog to check up on how you're doing. It's such a shock to the system that sometimes you almost have to pinch yourself to recognize what's real and what's not.
I miss your Mom too although I hear her voice regularly so I know it's her body that is no longer here but that infamous spirit will be with all of us for a long, long time.
Take care Gwennie and Monica and know how much you are appreciated and how many moms out there (including me) are looking out for you.

Joy Banach said...

As your Mom said to me before her passing -- there is a Divine Plan. I don't understand it as the father of my son Max died suddenly at the age 48 and then the passing of your Mom who was such a blessing on earth to me it makes me question about the Divine Plan. I guess I need "Divine Plan for Dummies." Will check Avon Public Library since I need to read, study, memorize and apply same.

You guys are great. Joy

Joy Banach said...

Just checking on you guys -- how are you doing? Gwennie are you going back to school?