Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tanning Booth Trauma

We already know tanning booths are bad for you, but here's one more reason why: Mom went to have her MRI yesterday and absolutely couldn't go through with it. Severe feelings of claustrophobia set in almost immediately, which to those of us who have never experienced it, may not make sense, but I've seen many patients go through it and it is frightening for them. She said it reminded her of her one and only tanning bed experience, which lasted only seconds as well.

And because nothing can ever be simple, she scored herself a urinary tract infection too. Just a standard day in the life of recovery.

Dr. Nelson removed her staples, and despite the pain that accompanied that pleasant experience, she reported that Mom is recovering beautifully.

MRI re-try on Friday morning. We'll practice some deep breathing, and hopefully still be in a bit of a turkey coma. Otherwise, she's home and comfortable in the splendiferous care of my little sister Gwennie.


trix said...

Do they have one of those open MRI's? or is that only for CAT scans? MRI's can be really confining. I just close my eyes and don't open them, cause if you do you see the ceiling 3 inches from your face. And definately listen to the music they offer you!

Planet said...

When I had an MRI on my head, they played some wonderful Vivaldi louder than the thumping noise, I lay back and closed my eyes and stayed still until they told me I was done. I pretended I was elsewhere, and didn't look around. I almost fell asleep. Do they have some Vivaldi? Four Seasons is perfect and very soothing.

Claude said...

One word - DIAZAPAM
Another two words - Yoga breathing
A couple more - Music is great, esp. Vivaldi or Stevie Ray Vaughan

Dana Farber's MRI machine is less loud
Both Dana Farber and UMass' MRI machines have a mirror just above your eyes that let you look out of the machine towards the technicians. That helps too.

One word - DIAZIPAM
AKA - Valium
Use it every 4 months for my brain MRI.
Love Aunt Coco

Unknown said...

A friend of mine could not go through with her MRI because of the confining space so they sent her to a clinic that had a very open machine that they use for obese people. She tolerated that fine. When I had an MRI a couple months ago on my cervical spine, I had them put on the head phones. It helped some, but the machine is very loud. I like using visualization of places I love that are outdoors. I just keep reminding myself this will be over in a few minutes, this will be over in a few minutes. Love ya Lynn Travis