Sunday, November 9, 2008

Filling in the Blanks

It is so wonderful to hear from everyone again! I've gotten so many thoughtful emails, and tons of questions that I hope I've been able to address adequately. One many of you have in common is, "how is her new house?" A few entries back in early spring, Mom had bought a lovely little farm house and was ready to start her life happier and healthier than ever, but alas, she had to sell the house just as quickly as she bought it. Many factors came in to play, but primarily the sale on the larger house fell through and shortly after the market got nasty. It seemed a smarter decision to sell the new house to the family she out-bid before her savings got nasty! It broke all our hearts to think we wouldn't spend this Thanksgiving in that fantastic barn, but it's now occupied by a sweet family, and Mom isn't faced with keeping up a barn home right now. In a way, it all worked out for the best.

As I understand it, Mom will revisit down-sizing from her current home once she's on stronger and healthier ground. If anyone knows a family looking for a great house in Avon, send them our way!

Good news that is sure to make Mom's recovery swift! Gwennie has arranged to complete the next few weeks of her semester in Montreal on-line so she can spend some time at home. Poor thing was only home for a week last winter, and her cheeks were double in size thanks to her wisdom teeth extraction. We're looking so forward to teaming up on the nursing responsibilities, and the best part is- she can FINALLY drive!!!


Talbot said...

Monica Dearest..that was a wonderful update -- but you inadvertently wrote "Gwennie can now drive."

Gwennie can drive; you're right however she can still only go forward...she can't back-up.

Gwennie Talbot said...

It's really awesome when my family makes fun of me for the same things over and over again. GET SOME NEW MATERIAL ALREADY!!

p.s. You like almost never have to back up anyway...