Friday, November 28, 2008

She Did It!

Not sure if it was the turkey, the ativan, or Gwennie and my ratty childhood stuffed animals by her side, but Mom conquered the MRI this morning without difficulty. The technicians were so kind and let her go in feet first which made a world of difference, and I was able to stand right at the entrance of the machine and lay my hand on her head for the entire 40 minute scan. The best part- her liver is cancer free. They noted some nodules and one tiny hemangioma, but none of which is cancerous or at all concerning. In fact, many people have these abnormalities and never even know it.

We also booked it to Boston this afternoon to meet with her consult doctor at Dana Farber Cancer Institute. He's certainly more blunt and direct than the doctor's we're used to dealing with in Hartford, but since we knew what to expect, we had a very productive consult and he put our minds at ease. He reinforced that Mom is clinically cancer free, and so radiation is not absolutely necessary at this time, however if this cancer comes back it will be very challenging to treat. Once again, we left his office sure beyond a doubt that we're making the right decision.

Hoping my spelling and grammar aren't too disastrous, but it's been a long day, long and positive at least!

1 comment:

Lisa Matthews said...

Liz, you are just amazing! You just seem to always come through with flying colors! I am convinced that there is nothing you can not conquer! I just know that it is your effervescent personality and inspiring positive spirit! We miss you so much and are all thinking about you! Any chance we might see you next Friday, 12/5 for the luncheon? If not, you will truly be missed, it will not be the same without you, the meetings never are!
Monica, thank you for your delicious sense of humor, what a wonderful daughter you are!
I wish you all a wonderful holiday, you certainly have lots to celebrate! I am thinking of you constantly, Liz!
Loads of hugs!

Lisa Matthews