Monday, November 10, 2008

Endometrial Polyp = Clean

I received the following in an email from Mom this morning:

Good news so far. The endometrial biopsy showed no signs of cancer. Also no signs of hyperdysplasia (abnormal cells). So that’s a good start. They will biopsy the entire kit’n’kaboodle during surgery for further, more comprehensive results. Meanwhile, my belly is round and hard. I look like Alfred Hitchcock.

As we say in our house, we're preparing for the worst and hoping for the best- but this is very promising. Even if the ovary is cancerous, it doesn't necessarily mean it has spread. Frankly, I was more worried about this polyp than the ovary in some ways, so hooray!

1 comment:

Planet said...

Well, this is good news! I'm so sorry to hear about the house, I was looking forward to seeing it. I'm sure with her contacts, when the time comes she will find another perfect little gem to downsize to. Keep up the good fight!
Lots of love,