Monday, November 17, 2008

Finally Getting Some R&R

Mom was moved from the recovery holding area to her room on the oncology floor at about 4pm and is doing extremely well. Her pain is well controlled thanks to her PCA (patient controlled analgesic), she's had no nausea, and has been able to nap on and off since arriving to the floor.

Since she was so out of it in recovery, Dr. Nelson didn't try to explain anything about the procedure to Mom, so Coco and I were able to introduce the information to her and Dr. Nelson will be by later this evening to fill in the blanks and answer our questions. I can't say Mom was thrilled to learn it was a recurrence or that she will have to undergo chemotherapy, but she's been able to let go a little and just allow herself to rest. We have plenty of time to process and talk things over later.

As for now, Coco and I are just camped out in Mom's room while she naps, hoping Dr. Nelson stops by before my stomach eats itself.

Aha! The resident who assisted in the surgery just popped in, echoing all the wonderful things we've heard repeatedly about Dr. Nelson, and also mentioned that the surgery was certainly not an easy task given all the residual scar tissue. Not surprised. Mom likes to keep people on their toes.


Talbot said...

Speaking of toes...when the timing is right -- check to make sure Mom had a pedicure with new toenail polish before today. Thank you Merle and CoCo a mess of a lot. Just thank you...that's all I got to say.

Stephanie said...

I'm so thankful that her pain and nausea are not an issue right now! Definitely time for some R and R for all of you. I sent her an email through the St. Francis email system but I didn't know her room number so just put "PACU". What room is she in for future reference?

Monica M. Talbot said...

She's on floor 6, room 100. Thanks! She loved those St. Francis emails last time she was there!