Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Stinkin' Sheets

Sorry for the late post last night- long day and I was pooped. Mom had an okay night. She didn’t wake up feeling terribly well-rested, and believe it or not, it was her sheets' fault! They were all bunched and messy and she just couldn’t seem to get settled, but she doesn’t remember anyone coming in the room, taking vital signs, etc. so we figure she just conked out and slept right through it.

Unfortunately, her hematocrit dropped to 21 this morning down from 24 yesterday, so she’s scored herself 2 units of blood today. Her blood pressure is still low for her, but within stable limits. No gas, but improved bowel sounds. She was able to have some cream of wheat and crackers for breakfast, and I snuck her some fresh watermelon too.

Her spirits are top notch, she’s starting to read some emails and check out the blog. She walked the hallways herself today, and we’re hoping this blood will speed up the process. I’m feeling pretty confident that if this transfusion does its job and she’s able to get her gut moving, maybe tomorrow we can go home.

I know I mention this a lot, but my Mom's health is being directly impacted by the generosity and effort from a complete stranger. Donating blood is one of the easiest ways to help save lives, and it makes you feel so good. You know that feeling you had walking out of the polls on November 4th? Multiply that by 10!

1 comment:

trix said...

Sounds like Liz is moving in the right direction. I hope you feel better soon ! We're all thinking you.
I had sheet problems too and so did my Monica, especially when she spilled water on herself and couldn't get up to change the sheets. Martha should go into hospitals and give them nice FITTED sheets, those sheets aren't really sheets anyway.