Thursday, October 29, 2009

And We're Off!

More to come later, but with Mom's symptoms being well stabilized, and her having spoken at length with her entire interdisciplinary teams, she's very secure and confident that McLean is the right choice for her. And they're transferring her at NOON TODAY!


It all happens so fast, but she's excited for a change of pace, a room to decorate, a new environment to explore, and a wonderful staff to meet.

Today will be a lot of getting settled and starting to make her room feel her own, and hopefully in the next few days as she settles in we'll have a sense if this is a good fit for her. Since she is being admitted as a hospice patient, there is a plethora of resources that will be made available for her and all the family so that both physical and emotional needs are being met.

Will report after our move via ambulance. I hope they'll let me turn on the siren.


trix said...

Let those sirens rip! Can we send flowers yet? And where?

Marge Fisher said...

My heart is traveling with all of you. Many hugs and much love,

Anonymous said...

Safe travels! There is precious cargo in that ambulance!

Kay Hunter said...

Although it sounds like good care at St. Franny's - it will be better when she is settled into a room that she can make feel more like home, while receiving the care she needs and freeing you all up to spend time and visit with her while keeping tabs on the care. Sounds like a good choice that Liz made. I'll keep in touch and would love to have a visit when she is ready..... Love to you all - Kay Hunter

maura said...

A new adventure, a new space. Wishing you a safe transport and a quick transition.

lots of love. xoxox, m

Unknown said...

Moving right along with you in spirit...sounds like it will be a great fit for all of you! Fun travels and sirens :-)

Talbot said...

Monica, Gwennie and their Mom drive me crazy. This blog isn't about health's all about sirens and ambulances with flashing lights. "Talbot/Elisabeth admitted to McLean" should immediately be followed by "Talbot/Monica," and "Talbot/Gwendolyn." Lovedad.

Linda P - TEAM SOS said...

Hi Liz,

You are such an inspiration to me and I have so treasured our friendship. Many blessings to you, your beautiful daughters, and all of your family and friends. My heart and soul is with you constantly and hoping that you will find comfort and peace in your new surroundings. Please know that I pray for you daily (acutally several times a day).

Monica and Gwennie, thank you both so very much for so honestly sharing your and your mother's experiences. It means so much to all of us who are making this journey with you. And your humor is priceless.

Love to you all,

Linda Phillips

JoAnne said...

Liz Talbot's purpose in life? To love and be loved. Check and double check. The Universe also noted in the comments section, "Wildly and jubilantly exceeded expectations!" Now that's one hell of a checklist. Sending you love on the wings of butterflies...

p said...

Laura and I are holding all of you in the brightest center of our hearts. Whenever I read this amazing blog, I shake my head and blink blink blink, stunned by the love and courage in each of you. Rock on with your loving selves.

filomena said...

Dearest Lizzie, Monica and Gwennie,
I hope you are safely transported to a loving environment at McClean and that Liz has a beautiful space to enjoy her family, friends, and her days. We all think of you constantly and admire ability to rise above to celebrate all that matters in this life, and beyond. Please blog about what we can do.....whether visit, sending cards and letters, special food, flowers, etc. Give us our marching orders! And most of all.....BIG LOVE to each of you, PAX, Filomena

Unknown said...

Forget the sirens, ... lets go for the Ding Dong Cart music and some ice cream sandwiches.
Love to you all from the north woods of Maine.
Lynn Travis-Stancioff

H.F. said...

"holding all of you in the brightest center of our hearts" I LOVE that. So, very true.