Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Liver and Onions

You know you're eating in a nursing home dining room when one of the entrees offered is liver and onions. My aunt and uncle came to visit today, and we decided to try lunch in the dining room for the first time. It is a great system actually, you just make a reservation for however many guests are joining you, and voila! It was a nice change of pace to Mom's normal daily routine, and the staff was lovely. The food is nothing to write home about, but that's coming from very intense foodies.

We had one major incident today that really took it out of my mother, and I think Gwennie and I as well. Since Mom's strength is improving little by little, we pushed her to take a few steps with the walker between getting out of bed to the wheelchair. She did really well until it came to sitting down. Instead of waiting for Gwennie and I to lower her down in the chair slowly, she slammed straight down on the chair which sent shooting pain through her entire spine. It was a few minutes of severe agony and pure fear for my mother. Initially she was just petrified that she'd done major damage, but she took some deep breaths, and the nurse got her pain medication immediately. She required some additional pain mediation through the day, but seemed to be more comfortable by mid afternoon. She has limited control due to muscle deconditioning, which combined with some disease they've seen in her bones on MRI's, her bones are quite fragile. It is no wonder she was in such severe pain.

Our greatest fear is that she get too scared to move and doesn't push herself to walk and transfer from the bed to the chair often, but I worked hard to assure her that wasn't the way it was supposed to happen! It is essential that we keep her moving to promote good circulation and healing of the wounds on her bottom and her right leg.

When she sits up too long, the edema in her lower extremities gets so severe that it's pitting, meaning if you pressed your finger on her leg, an imprint remains for a few seconds. This occurs when fluid shifts out of the cells and collects in the tissue. It can be a result of many different things, but we're not as concerned as to why it is happening as to how we can prevent complications from edema. For example, edema can inhibit circulation, which prevents efficient wound healing. So for a few hours a day, we try to keep her legs elevated, while also balancing time with her sitting up in her chair to take the pressure off her back.

It always comes back to finding the balance...

Emotionally, Mom cycles up and down from minute to minute. For years she's been relying on physicians and nurses to make recommendations and tell her what to do to fight for her life, and now there is a "do what you want to do" attitude which has been hard for her to adjust to. It is easily misunderstood as people giving up on her, as opposed to just wanting her to be happy. Like most people, she wants to remain in as much control of her life as she can, and in talking with her team, they were really receptive to this. They understand that Mom appreciates recommendations and suggestions on how to promote her health, so again, we're back to finding the balance.

What is bringing a smile to her face is all the mail she's gotten since I posted her address to the blog! Wow- you all work fast.

Mom visiting with Marilyn R. and Gwennie
by the fireplace.

Uncle Bud and Aunt Missy visiting for lunch in the dining room.

Speaking of visitors, Mom is loving them, but requests that people don't just drop by. Not for her, but more out of respect for your time! She often has scheduled appointments during her day, so if you'd like to visit, it is best to send her an email or give her or I a call to set something up. That way you don't risk showing up while she's busy!


Tom Smith said...

The room looks great,and Liz, you look wonderful dear. Hugs and kisses for you and those awesome daughters.

Sharon Hubbard said...

Liz, are you going to be allowed to escape and go to lunch at your favorite place in Eastford. I looked it up on line. As you are getting stronger and hungrier maybe we can go. Your room looks awesome, good job girls. We will visit soon, but we will call first.
I'm glad to see you smilikng.

Unknown said...

For the record, some of us old people(yes, me)actually like liver and onions, and have gone so far as to order it in a restaurant (in my 20's I might add):)

It was one of my father-in-law's favorite dinners, and he just rubbed off on me.

And yes, I do know how scary it is that this is even true, much less that I'm willing to document it in writing for all to see :)

Love the patio, and am so glad to see your beautiful pear tuchas on the wall, Liz!

Love and hugs to you all,