Monday, November 12, 2007

Wheat Grass and Yoga

Mom is off to New Age Day Spa with her best friend, Marilyn, sister Claude, and her sister-in-law, Pam. My mom's been going there for a few years, and she always really enjoys it once she's up there, but stresses before hand about missing work. Isn't that the point?

She's been having some different kinds of pain recently, but is diligent about keeping her doctor informed about these changes. She's got a prescription for some heavy pain meds (enter Jimmy Hendrix) that seem to be taking the edge off without making her too tired.

Otherwise she is hanging in there and trying to cross as much off her to-do list as possible!

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Hi Monica

I am a friend and professional colleague of your Mom's. She is one amazing gal! Thank you for creating this blog. What a wonderful way to keep the army of people "out here" who love your Mom updated. Please know that I will be sending her tons of positive energy and prayers over the coming months. I'll look forward to hearing more as she takes this healing journey.
Warmest regards,
-Tracy Michaud