Tuesday, November 20, 2007

No...not THAT kind of coming out!

Although it feels like there isn't much that could surprise me these days- I hadn't really been "feeling" the title of the blog, when mom emailed me today with a new name idea, courtesy of a friend. Very clever! Wish I'd thought of it myself, but alas, I cannot take credit.


Mindy Goodfriend said...

Hi Monica,
I am a friend of your mom from the WPO so I have known what a great person she is, and know I know that
Wow is Liz lucky to have you for a daughter!
Our WPO Boston group would like to show up to support your Mom in a meaningful way.
Questions - in which hospital is she having the surgery, and is it still scheduled for 12/3? If she will be in Boston, do you think she will be up for a loving bedside holiday hug from our group?
Thanks much for your advice.
Mindy Goodfriend

JoAnnC said...

Hi Monica,
I am one of many of Liz's friends from the DLs and before that from the old Connecticut Mutual.
Whenever I see Liz, she puts a smile on my face. She has such a positive outlook and that seems to shine through with how she is handling this challenge. Based on reading your blog, the apple stayed close to the tree in the positive outlook department. Please let us know whatever we can do to support Liz. My thoughts and good wishes are with her.

JoAnn from the DLs.