Monday, January 26, 2009

Embarking on Week 3

Not an impressive amount  to share with you all, Mom's adoring fans, other than she continues to take radiation day by day like a champion. The fatigue accumulates slowly, but she has done a remarkable job balancing rest and work. She hits the start of week three on Tuesday, so she's moving right along.

Unfortunately, she was hoping to hop a plane to Florida right after this was over, but she might have to wait a few weeks. Although she will not be actively receiving radiation during the two or three weeks following the end of the treatments, the radiation is still very active and can continue to have adverse effects. It is just smarter that she stay close to home. Alas, the sunshine will have to wait!


Elizabeth said...

Too bad, Florida would be pretty nice right now, right?? So would endless sleep, chocolate, wine, bread, soup, people to wait on us hand and foot, etc. Liz, you can have all this and more. Just say the word. Thinking of you, as always. Wish it was done with...but soon. xoxo


Filomena said...

Dearest Lizzie,
Your fan club is all around you....while today's news was not what we wanted, we're with you in mind, body and spirit to cheer you on. You re-define optimism, with your grace, courage, connections to others, and beautiful family. Who is more extraordinary than you, every day? Answer: no one I can think of. Love, hugs, and prayers from your friend Filomena, and from so many other friends who love you. We are indescribably proud of you, and of your loving family. I will call you, and hope to see you this coming week. Love, Filly