Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Automated Reply: Away at The Spa, Excuse Me Very Much

Monday and Tuesday were spent largely at the Cancer Center. She received two systemic chemo drugs Monday along with lots and lots of hydration to keep Lil' Lefty (the lone kidney) hydrated and flushed, and Tuesday she got the remaining two systemic chemo drugs, as well as the intrathecal chemo.

Today was just a quick trip to the hospital for an injection of Neulasta, which you may remember from before is a drug meant to inspire her bone marrow to create more white blood cells since all this chemo is really depleting her immune system.

In the meantime, my dad is visiting from Texas, and has whisked away Gwennie, Mom, and
myself to the Spa at Norwich Inn for two nights. It's not too far from the hospital, but adds a little change of pace and scenery. I think Dad may have had this idea that Mom would soak up some serious spa treatments, but so far all she's soaking up are naps in the tempurpedic bed. She woke up long enough to eat rib eye for dinner followed by a molten chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream. Excellent sign.

View from dinner on the deck, The Spa at Norwich Inn

The good news that has come with all these new chemotherapeutics is that the cancerous cell count in the cerebral spinal fluid has significantly decreased, but frustratingly so, her symptoms have not improved. Her fatigue is extreme, and the dizziness has morphed in to double and triple vision. Her taste is all over the map, and she struggles to differentiate a lot of sounds in the room. A new development in the last 48 hours or so is that she has difficulty swallowing. She feels like there is "something there" in her throat and coughs or clears a lot after eating and throughout the night. We're not sure if there is an actual obstruction in her throat, or if this is something neurological, meaning the cancer in her brain has somehow impacted the nerves that control swallowing.

Right now we're in a cycle of "watch and wait," to ensure that all these treatments she is undergoing in fact increase her function and quality of life. If her symptoms persist and she is not feeling better, there are a few other things the team has mentioned to make her more comfortable, but we will cross that bridge when we get there.

Although she sleeps the better part of the day, when she's awake, she really does enjoy visits, a little TV, trying to meditate and tasty food. We're all acutely aware that this cancer will be nearly impossible to beat, but for now she is happy, pain-free, and surrounded by friends, family, and her two obnoxious daughters:
Visits are certainly welcome, just as long as you don't mind if Mom sleeps through part (or all) of it. Call the house (860-675-5991) or my mobile (860-748-7904) to let us know you're stopping by.

And for all the cooks dying to show off your culinary talents, you're in luck. I'm done. I'm spent. I've had it with the kitchen. I am relenting to ask for help! I'll be in touch with Susan Eastman, Helping Hands guru to start coordinating another killer meal chain similar to last winter.

We're back in town tomorrow afternoon, rested and "slimy" as my uncle put it.


Elizabeth said...

Are you there tomorrow morning for spa breakfast? I'm only a few minutes away, and would allow you to buy me a danish. Would love to see all 4 of you! Slimey is SO good. XO

Unknown said...

Wait, I'm into slimy, but I mowed the lawn to get that way. You can go to a spa and get slimy? Was there a memo on that and I didn't get it?