Friday, December 14, 2007

Waiting Game

Spoke with Mom's nurse this morning, who said she did okay over night, but still struggles with pain and nausea. She has another catheter in so they can monitor her urine output closely, which has been very good. The creatinine value is not back from the lab, but they're hoping it's improved today.

Mom's up and about, just waiting for Dr. G to come by and make a plan!


Lissa said...

Liz, you certainly do know how to pick an exciting ambulance ride!!!

Monica, what can I say, you rock! Congrats on your "pinning" and graduation. I've seen many, many nurses in my day (both personally and as a Hospice volunteer) and I would request you in a heartbeat (pun is just an xtra....I didn't even think of it)! I know your Mom is very proud of you and hope you are too.

Susan, THANK YOU for stepping in to take such good care of Liz and for being the contact person.

To both Monica and Susan, you are taking such AMAZING care of Liz, but please don't forget to take care of yourselves - especially you, Monica!

You know where to find me if you need anything...24/7...

Tons of love and hugs!


Claude said...

Monica asked me to post an update on the blog, but as I'm not an official poster, I can only leave a comment. Liz's creatinine values continue to be out of norm. She was dehydrated all day yesterday, so the hospital increased her fluids and are monitoring how quickly her left kidney is processing and draining it. Unfortunately, it is not doing as well as hoped and the left kidney is swollen. Tonight Dr. G will place a stent in her left ureter to give it some help. Liz will remain at UConn overnight at minimum.

For all of you who love Monica as much as I do, please join me in celebrating her most amazing achievement during all this turmoil. Yesterday, Monica passed her two final nursing exams at Simmons College. Today at 3PM she will be graduated and "pinned" as a full REGISTERED NURSE!!!!!!! I am going to the ceremony with her husband, Tom, to stand in for her family.

Planet said...

Aw geez, not what she needed. Keep us posted!
Today I picked up some nice foods from the Horizon foods guy, all antibiotic and hormone free stuff. There should be something there she will enjoy.
Let me know how things go, and I'll plan to come up.

Lisa Skelley said...

Hi Liz,

Just wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts. BTW, your girls are AMAZING! The apple certainly does not fall far from the tree.

Lots of Love,

Lynn (Painter extroidonaire) said...

Liz,I just got done reading the last two entries and the update from Claude!! Yikes! This is not fair!! You deserve a BREAK!! I will be doubling up on my prayers for you tonight!! :)

Claude said...

Monica will probably post tomorrow, as her cute husband took her out to a French restaurant for dinner tonight, after serving us Veuve Clicquot champagne following her graduation. Boy, was I glad I went (-:

I don't have any better update than that Liz was out of surgery and being moved from the recovery room to the regular floor around 6:30 pm. Susan was waiting for her there, and Aunt Didi is keeping the "home fires" burning, while trying to figure out how she got two flat tires today.