Monday, December 10, 2007

Home Sweet Home

Mom got home shortly after lunch, ate some chicken soup, and hopped right in to her hospital bed. Well, hopped is the wrong word, shuffled is more like it.

When I was home last week, Coco and I bought a massive tree which we decorated and put right in the living room so mom can enjoy it from the couch, where I assume she'll be spending most of her time in these coming weeks. I wish I could have seen her expression, but from the sounds of it she was very surprised.

Nurse Didi is there getting report from Nurse Coco, and will officially take over tomorrow.

I spoke with Dr. K today, and no pathology reports until tomorrow afternoon. Not that we haven't been holding our breath till our faces turn blue or anything! Geese...

Shout out: Lynn- Painter Extraordinaire- receives the award for the best brownies this side of the Mississippi! Thank you for the fruit salad and brownie delivery last week. I should have taken some back to Boston with me, but I know Coco, Paul, Thierry, and Julie enjoyed them as well. So delicious, so thoughtful.


Talbot said...

As night turns to day and day turns to night it is a good thing that Mamasan is now "Home Sweet Home." Howard writes "It's very cold in the Siberian frozen tundra. Beach umbrellas are not renting well whatsoever." Jen -- Casey would just be in heaven if you served him some grilled kitty-crunchies on a bed of fresh garden greens garnished with sauteed dog biscuits. That and the fact that Liz is finally home is your basic "Say Tre Beyond." Lovedad.

Planet said...


We can't know how you're feeling.
But we hope you're feeling better.
You're home to do your healing.
So put on a warm sweater.

With Coco there and Didi,
at your beck and call,
To get you anything you need
It won't be long at all.

We know how much you want to work,
but you must sit and mend.
Consider relaxing a perk,
good health's around the bend.

(future Hallmark employee)