Tuesday, November 27, 2007

T Minus 6 Days

I never understood what the "T" meant, but whatever, you get the point (I'm sure my dad will tell us thought). Not a lot to report, but many thanks owed to all those who've contacted my mom and myself to offer support in any way, shape, or form. I swear, I am not like my mother (ie capabable of handling 10 times more than my fair share), so I will be sure to call in the troops the second I need something. As of now, we're feeling very prepared for what's ahead.

Mom had her pre-op CT scan, blood work, and cardiologist visit yesterday. Check, check, and check. She's on a new blood pressure medication because the beta blocker isn't quite doing it. It's making her a little nauseated, and she's having some abdominal pain, but that seems to be par for the course these days. Otherwise, she's way ahead of the game with Christmas shopping and trying to keep her nerves at ease.

A few people have asked, so I'll post for everyone: Her surgery will be at St. Francis Hospital in Hartford, CT. Home address is 42 Oak Ridge Drive, Avon, CT 06001.

Monday I was at work and I had a little 3 1/2 week old baby girl on my assignment, who believe it or not, was scheduled to have a kidney taken out today! I called today and she did just fine, and her doctors believe there's no reason she shouldn't lead a long, healthy life. Well Shucks! If she can do it, so can we.


Bess said...


The T stands for Time as in "Launch Time" or in this case "Surgery Time."

I'm sure your dad will come up with some WAY more amusing explanations, but I figured veracity should count for something.

Anyhoo, this is my first post and so I must say: I'm thinking of Monicamom frequently, especially when I'm stuck at work at 7 PM....which is also frequently...but you get the gist.

Unknown said...

Hello, everyone! Hello, Bess!
Admittedly, the nerves are getting to me. However, my friend and Coach Kathy McAfee decided to dedicate every kick during last night's kickboxing class to my cancer. The visual helps! I've received cards, emails, flowers, food, prayer shawls, prayers ... and now punches and jabs. Hey, whatever it takes!
I'm choosing to look at the bright side. 1. My surgeon is cute, wears crazy surgical caps (last month's was the stars and stripes), and at our last meeting gave me a hug. Maybe not so doctorly, but very healing all the same. I may draw a cartoon on my side for him to discover in the OR.
2. If babies can have kidneys removed, heck, I'll offer up one of mine and then some! Here, have a ureter! Help yourself to my appendix! Take the gall bladder while you're in there! Not to mention some fat cells -- plenty of that to go around!
3. I've decided to donate my body to science when I go. So this is just a headstart.
4. Two months of quiet time will permit me to clear through some paper piles. Organize my files. Monica will want this in writing.
5. My cousin Trixie is coming up for "Movie Night" - something to look forward to. If she cuts my bangs, she can tax-deduct the trip. (GREAT hair stylist!)
5. My dad has decided to come live with me for a month to .."help out." Given that he's 81 and had a stroke this month, that's almost funny! But he is quickly on the mend, headed to Avon, and ready to mooch off all the goodwill (i.e. goodies) that come through the door. If you come visit, you'll get a two-fer. Me, and Pops.

I sure am feeling the love. I'm now following my BF E Sorensen's advice, and saying goodbye to my kidney, goodbye to my ureter, thanking them for years of impeccable service. And goodbye to my scar-free belly, and goodbye to bikini days forever. (mmm, yeah.)

Monica M. Talbot said...

By the way, I should put this in writing right now before it happens because then maybe she'll give me a shout out- Bess gives mice cancer, then tries to cure them. True story. She's going to be Dr. Bessy Bess some day, and kick cancer's booty, and we'll all have her to thank.

And she may appear a lot smarter than me because she knows some old school military factoid, but us nurses just like to let doctors THINK that's the case.

I sunk your battle ship. Take that for military jargon!

Connie and Doug said...

Dear Liz,

We are thinking of you and send our love. The blogs are great (thanks, Monica!) and we have enjoyed reading all the wonderful messages from family and friends. I can just picture you, Liz, entering surgery encased in a big bubble of love and optimism. We look forward to seeing you -and Pops - post-op! You go, girl!

Connie and Doug said...

Dear Lizzie,

Merry Christmas! Doug and I have been following Monica's accounts of your tumultuous post-op recovery. It has been a rough ride indeed. We know this has not gone as smoothly as you had hoped but we are grateful for the loving care and support of your family and closest friends and the extraordinary nursing care of Monica. You are blessed indeed.

We think of you often and will continue to send positive thoughts - and prayers - for success with your next challenge - chemotherapy. You are a strong woman, physically and in spirit, and we know you will come through this and regain your health and go on to new adventures.

Once you are feeling better and wanting company, we would like to bring in that meal and a movie we talked about pre-surgery. We are rootng for you and know that 2008 will bring all good things!

Love an special hugs,

Connie and Doug