Had a nice chat with my mom yesterday. She got a clean bill of health from her primary care doctor before going into surgery. His only concern was that her blood pressure, which already hangs out around 140/90's, has got to get down around 120/80's once she has only one kidney. Because kidneys are responsible for the fluid volume in your body, we don't want the one kidney under too much stress.
To try and decrease her stress and get some exercise, she's decided to buy a ranch.
Kidding- but I had to find some way to fit in this photo request from a donor who will remain annonymous (but here's a clue...he's made it his job to monopolize the comment board).
But back to the blood pressure...mom's going to work very hard at getting it lower by decreasing her stress and increasing her exercise. So if you were planning on sending her a box of chocolates or making her a lasagna, why not send her a box of nice nuts or dried fruit instead (and send the chocolates and lasagna to me!!!!)?
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