Saturday, December 12, 2009

Giving Thanks

Our evening was just as Mom would have wanted it. Siblings and friends drifted in, visited with her, and were otherwise planted around the fire place in the lobby eating, drinking, and sharing. The lights in the lobby went off at 11:30pm so we set up camp by firelight. It was kind of perfect.

Mom had a quiet night in comfort and peace. Our amazing Lissa sat bedside while Gwennie and I got some shut eye. Her morphine has been increased today to prevent any respiratory discomfort, and she's become non-responsive. She'll throw a smile here and there when someone she hasn't seen in a while enters the room, but otherwise she's quietly inside of herself, receiving endless gifts of love and prayer.

I've spent a lot of time reading entries from the past, and it is strange to see where we were a year ago. In fact today we were delivered a basket created by the hospice volunteers, that a year ago this weekend, Mom spent preparing and delivering to families herself. I wish losing a mother on no one, especially as prematurely as this, but if it has to happen, I feel confident that we've created the best possible scenario. Today Gwennie and I shared in a ceremony of giving thanks with Lynn, Mom's trusted spiritual counselor. She anointed each part of Mom's body, and gave thanks for how each part has helped support and nurture us in our growth. It was incredibly meaningful to share that time together as mother and daughters.

We're all here, supporting one another, eating incredible food delivered by friends, drinking beers cold off Mom's porch, and taking turns visiting.

Energy is low, need to refuel (cookies + beer), but will update later this afternoon.


Anonymous said...

Thinking of you all and sending all my love. Thank you for so unselfishly taking time to update us. You are all always in my heart. ILY

H.F. said...

Unselfishly is right, Chrissy.

A few posts ago you talked about miracles and gifts - what you forgot was how this entire experience has shown a vast network of friends and family a little more about what family, love, foregiveness and thanks means. About grace, dignity in the face of fear and doubt.

We are all with you in spirit and love. XOXOXO

Zemmy said...

I've been half following the progress of your Mom. I am an acquaintance of Claires and she has kept her friends up to date.

I lost my Father this year and can sympathize with those nasty painful feelings. The only words I can offer is to dig up those memories, especially those that bring the most joy. Keep them handy, they can temper the upcoming pain.

Keep her smile in your mind and her love near.

God Bless