Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Cross Continental Bloggage

This update brought to you by San Francisco. I booked this trip back in June as a little birthday getaway with friends, and with Mom's blessing, I pulled the trigger and actually got on the plane this morning!

Gwennie is in charge, so expect some guest blog posts coming your way.

It's been a great week since my last post. Mom has dropped to a staggering 131 pounds, which is hard to believe considering the wealth of healthy, nutritious, and butter-(organic, duh)-sodden food we're feeding her. Otherwise, symptoms seem to be under control and her energy is fair. Our newest obstacle is lack of upper leg strength. Her quadriceps seem to have just stopped firing all together, so transitioning from sitting to standing requires some one's help, but once she is up, she is off and running. Thanks to the Loan Closet, we're acquired a seat that is supposed to help boost her up, and we're looking in to purchasing a lift chair, but for now we make due.

As you can imagine, this is a huge barrier psychologically, because it all but eliminates the little independence she had. Mom was able to get up ambulate with a walker on her own, and although we were never far from her side, she was still able to do it independently. Her frustration is evident, but in true fashion, she refuses to put any more energy in to negative thoughts, and is determined to stay positive.

A CT scan was done today of her chest, abdomen, and pelvis to check the status of the tumors we've been following since the spring, and to see if there is something causing this weakness. It is likely something neurological versus generalized muscle weakness, because no matter how much physical therapy she does, there's no change.

She also received intrathecal chemo yesterday, which went off without a hitch. Our meeting with Dr. Donadio was encouraging in that most of the uncomfortable symptoms Mom was experiencing before seem to have subsided, but she remains very cautious and calculated, reminding us that this is all to be taken one day at a time. Next stop- systemic chemo Monday and Tuesday of next week, at which point we should receive the CT scan results.

Days continue to be scattered with acupuncture, physical therapy, occupational therapy, home health aids, visiting nurses, social workers, massage, meditation, etc. Mom remains nothing short of remarkable in her battle, determined to be the exception and get healthy.


Tom Smith said...
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Tom Smith said...

Monica, enjoy your trip, looking forward to gweenies post. Hugs and kisses to your mom, I think of her everyday, and hope to get to see her soon..

Love you gals

Tom Smith

Elizabeth said...

Have a wonderful trip and b'day celebration, Monica. See you back here soon. Let's figure out a way for a day trip to Mystic for the river's a healing thing...xoxo E

Kay Hunter said...

I highly recommend you get a lift chair. We had one for my daughter and it was not only helpful for getting her up and down - it helped her maintain her independence because she could manipulate it herself - which was so important to her. It will lift your mom to a standing position while providing her support. She will also be able to adjust her level of reclining - whether she has the footrest up or down - really help her be a bit more self sufficient....which I am sure she will appreciate. It was great for my daughter because it helped her have more control rather than depending on someone else to make every move.....
I admire your strength through all of this. Love you all, Kay Hunter

Unknown said...

Thanks so much Monica for keeping us closely informed.
Please transfer to Babette my sweet and basically permanent thoughts.
