Thursday, February 26, 2009

Happy Birthday, Mamasan!

She's en route to Boston as I type for a girls day, having almost completely recovered from all the side-effects radiation produced. They resolved almost as quickly as they showed up, which you may remember was instantaneous. Her energy is back, she busy and motivated at work, and couldn't be in better spirits!


Planet said...

Happy birthday Babette!!!! A little late.
I'm joining you today. I hope you are feeling well, and the effects of the radiation are not lingering.
Love you lots,

Unknown said...

Hi Babette! I am here in the frozen north, thinking about you and thought I would check out Monica's site to find you are finished with radiation, etc. I am so glad for you. Hope we can see each other when you visit Maine again and are up for company--maybe this summer. Love you much and think of you often. You are in my heart! Nan