Thursday, May 8, 2008

Mother's Day

Every time I've forgotten or neglected to get my mom a card for this- let's be honest- Hallmark Holiday, my mom says, "don't worry honey, you make every day mother's day."


Regardless of it being a ploy for people to buy sappy cards, Mom, Gwennie, and I are going all out this year at Kripalu this coming weekend. There's so much to celebrate: mom completing chemo like a champ, buying herself a new home (wait for it), and Gwennie completing her first year of college and FINALLY getting her license a month shy of 19 years old.

Looking back to early December I couldn't have ever imagined we'd be where we are. The few weeks after her last treatment, Mom suffered from days of limitless energy followed by extreme fatigue, but it's all seemed to settle out now. She's back full force at work, but trying to balance work, play, and rest at the same time.

And now for the SUPER fun part- she bought the most beautiful little dream home you could ever imagine. She'll be closing before the end of the month! Built in the 1980's, it has all the charm of the infamous "Redding House" she grew up in, with a beautiful office over-looking acres of woods, and isn't more than 3 miles from where she lives now.

Gwennie and a friend will be home living with my mom for the summer, my 10-year high school reunion is in October (during which my mom's house becomes a dormitory), and my husband's band is already planning a weekend-recording session in the barn out back (did I mention there's a fabulous barn out back?).

Already, it's filled with life and positive energy, and she doesn't even live there yet!

Lots of exciting changes to look forward to. I know she wouldn't have been able to rebound so rapidly had it not been for the safety net of support she still has around her.

But really, we knew it was meant to be Casa del Talbot when we saw this...

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