Friday, February 15, 2008


Sorry I haven't posted more this week, but consider it a good thing because there hasn't been much to tell. Some days have been better than others, some nights more restful than others, but overall Mom is just trying to find the right balance as she gets back in to the swing of work. Even though her team did an exceptional job while she was away, there is still a lot for her to do in order to catch up.

As you may remember, we were supposed to buzz her hair Monday because that's when we were told it would fall out, but it still hasn't, so the ceremonial buzzing has been postponed.

Last night she had over some Helping Hands groupies just to thank them for all their hard work thus far. Shame shame on you no-shows, because apparently there was wine, bubbly, and a comical misunderstanding of the word "neutropenic" for "neutropenis." Mom said it was wonderful to see friends and get to thank everyone in person.

What I am especially thankful for is that at her mention of thinking she might not need the meal deliveries any more, everyone immediately put their foot down! Yes, she is supermamasan, but not super woman, and I think not having to commit energy and thought to creating nourishing and delicious meals continues to be the absolute best gift ever. She keeps telling me, "I don't want them to think I'm taking advantage when I'm perfectly capable of doing things myself," despite my reassurance that she can't do everything, and this is just as much a gift for her friends to be able to contribute as it is a way for her to rest.

This was the first week in a long time I haven't been home, thanks to a lovely head cold I've been nursing, and next week I will be in scenic Tejas visiting my dad with my husband. Looking forward to the break, but a little sad about not seeing my Mom for such a long period of time. I worry she might lose her hair while I'm gone, but things always happen for a reason so I'll just have to let go of what is not in my control.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

1 comment:

H.F. said...

I'm not even in the helping hands but did someone say bubbly? I wish I was a little closer to Avon so I could just drop in on these get togethers :)

Glad that things at work are productive and you're able to get your hands a little dirty. We need to talk. I'll call ya.

I forgot that Monie wasn't going to be around next week - damn it - she has a gift for you, which she'll probably take on her trip to TX and use and then rewrap it before she gives it to you. Either way, it's comin'.

Big hugs and kissing from me and The Rick.