Monday, February 18, 2008

Now I Know Where I Get It

Mom called me in Texas this evening, sounding tired but in excellent spirits. She was in and out in 5 hours today, but is feeling the symptoms more than ever. Determined to get a good night's sleep, she was trying to stay up until at least 9pm, plus, she said, she hadn't whiped down the counter since yesterday and it was really bothering her. I've gotten eternally made fun of by friends for my obsession with a tidy countertop, but at least now I know where I get it.
She was delivered an out of this world dinner, that will feed her for at least a week, and fortunately her nausea was at bay enough for her to enjoy it.

She's going to try and head to the office tomorrow, but knows she really shouldn't push it. So a successful start to round to two, and she couldn't be happier.

And Mom, when you get around to reading this, here's some kisses from brown horse :)

Okay and from Callah too...

White horse was too busy rolling in the mud (so she's really black horse till the rainy season is over) and Oklahoma was occupied sleeping in the sun, but you'll get kisses from them tomorrow.


Talbot said...

(....nobody's writing any comments because they're afraid that they'll get "whisker tickleitis.")

Gwennie Talbot said...

Ohhhh you tooootally stole that picture of Callah from me.