Friday, January 4, 2008

Why Don't You Just Soak it in Oxymoron?

That was mom's solution to a stained cousin's shirt Coco was attacking this morning. Got a good laugh, as clearly she meant to say "oxyclean." Then she couldn't remember what oxymoron meant, so Coco and I used the analagies "business ethics" (except for my mom and Papa) and "mean nurse" (except Howard).

This is what happens after five nights without sleep. Getting a prescription for a sleep aid is number one on our list of to-do's with the oncologist this afternoon.

Otherwise, she's up, made some phone calls, did her hair, and now we're sitting around the dining room table enjoying smoothies. Ahhh...unemployment.


Talbot said...

My favorite OxyClean is "Jumbo Shrimp."

AuntCoCo -- If the presoak to remove the stain doesn't work try spraypainting the entire stained article with least the piece will be all the same color possibly. Maybe.

Thank you a mess-of-a-lot for the update Merle....Lovedad.

Bess said...

"Military Intelligence" is my favorite.